For the latest version of ofgpu for OpenFOAM visit "GPU v1.1 Linear Solver Library for OpenFOAM".
Jan. 17, 2012: Updated instructions for OpenFOAM 2.1.x
ofgpu v0.2 is the latest version of our free GPL library that provides GPU (sometimes referred to as GPGPU) linear solvers for OpenFOAM® v2.1.x. Sponsored by the Microsoft DPE team, the library targets NVIDIA CUDA devices on Windows, Linux, and (untested) Mac OS X. While this effort is still in the experimental stage, GPU acceleration holds the promise of providing significant speed up at relatively low cost and with low power consumption compared to other alternatives. If you want to try our ofgpu library with OpenFOAM then we recommend that you use either a dedicated (i.e., not displaying graphics) high-performance NVIDIA graphics card or a TESLA card.
OpenFOAM on Windows using ofgpu