Never Settle For Facets
Submitted by Richard Smith on August 23, 2016 - 14:15
Don't settle for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software that uses (abuses) facets (e.g., STL) as geometry. If your original geometry is analytic (CAD) then mesh it directly without the conversion to facets. Otherwise it's like you have to create two surface meshes. What's wrong with that? Plenty!
Dartmouth clock tower undergoing renovation aided by blocky scaffolding
If blocky (Minecraft) shapes ruled the world, then CFD with facets would be easy. Alas, not to be, as the world prefers curves.
To find out more see:
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Re: Never Settle For Facets
Excellent discussion and I completely agree. I wrote a blog post about this at my past employer, Pointwise:
Keep up the good articles, Chris