January 2016: CFD Year in Review
Submitted by symscape on January 13, 2016 - 12:26
2015 is over, but before we blast full steam ahead with 2016 it’s review time. Did any Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) goodness slip past you in 2015? If so, fear not, we have a couple of review articles conveniently grouped into lessons and simulations just for you.
Unconventional UAV CFD Simulation
10 CFD Lessons
The beginning of a new year is always a good time to review the lessons learned from the previous year. In terms of CFD we had a bumper crop of advice and tips for you in 2015, so take a look and see if you missed any the first time around. Read more >>
9 CFD Simulations
Every year we perform a diverse selection of CFD simulations. Did you miss any last year? Just in case you did here is the complete set from 2015. Read more >>