June 2017: Runners, Insects, and a Wind Turbine
Submitted by symscape on June 20, 2017 - 09:30
Get your aerodynamics on with this month's newsletter, where aerodynamic specialists teach runners how to draft and insect wings inspire new wind turbine blades.
Insect Wings Inspire Flexible Wind Turbine Blades: New garden bumblebeeLicense: CC BY-SA 2.5, André Karwath
Wind Turbine Design According to Insects
One of nature's smallest aerodynamic specialists - insects - have provided a clue to more efficient and robust wind turbine design. Read more >>
Runners Discover Drafting
The recent attempt to break the 2 hour marathon came very close at 2:00:24, with various aids that would be deemed illegal under current IAAF rules. The bold and obvious aerodynamic aid appeared to be a Tesla fitted with an oversized digital clock leading the runners by a few meters. Read more >>