
August 2012: Caedium v4.0 Released

We couldn't wait any longer to tell you that Caedium v4.0 is finished and awaits your CFD simulations. The highlight of this release is the ability to simulate free surface flows using a Volume of Fluid (VOF) multiphase solver. Also, just in case you missed the steady stream of sneak peeks about the other new features in this release, you'll find the full collection below.

Caedium v4 Free Surface and MRF CFD SimulationCaedium v4 Free Surface and MRF CFD Simulation: Water and air in a mixer

July 2012

Feeling a little deja vu here - Caedium v4 still needs a little more polish before it's ready for release, but it's really, really close - really! To tide you over, included in this month's news is another Caedium v4 sneak peek and a selection of recent blog posts.

Caedium v4 Sneak Peek CFD SimulationCaedium v4 Sneak Peek CFD SimulationAir flow through porous media

June 2012

Are you ready for Caedium v4? It's almost ready for you, just a little more testing and documentation and it will be all set. In the meantime see what enhancements you can look forward to with sneak peeks at the Caedium support for rotating machinery CFD simulations, such as vertical axis wind turbines, and new Caedium language translations, including Japanese. Then kick back and relax with some general interest blog posts on fluid mechanics.

Caedium v4 Sneak Peek CFD SimulationCaedium v4 Sneak Peek CFD SimulationVertical Axis Wind Turbine Lenz2

May 2012

Coming soon to a computer near you - the next version of Caedium will be able to exchange geometry and flow data with ixForten 4000 for an enhanced tensile membrane design process. See our latest sneak peek for more details on this highly anticipated membrane exchange capability. As always, you can catch up with our latest blog posts too.

Caedium v4 Sneak Peek Membrane CFD SimulationCaedium v4 Sneak Peek Membrane CFD SimulationModel: courtesy of SobreSaliente Ltda, Geometry: courtesy of ixForten 4000

April 2012

So you made it through another Symscape April Fools' prank? I hope you weren't fooled into thinking that Esperanto was really mandated to be the new European language. Anyway, it's been another eventful month at Symscape with the big news being that our partner, Nimbis Services, has released their Caedium CFD Accelerator cloud service. Also we've posted another tantalizing sneak peek of Caedium v4 along with our regular blog posts.

Sneak Peek Caedium v4 - Compressor Passage CFD SimulationSneak Peek Caedium v4Compressor Passage CFD Simulation

March 2012

The next version of Caedium is taking shape and, after finalizing its exciting new features, we concluded that the next release is not a mere minor version, but more worthy of a fully fledged major version. So, no more talk of Caedium v3.1, instead get ready for Caedium v4.0! As with the build up to any new Caedium release, we are providing sneak peeks of new capabilities. The twist this time around is that the sneak peeks are interspersed with our regular blog posts - see whether you can spot which ones are which :-)

Idealized Dyson Air Multiplier CFD Simulation - SymmetryIdealized Dyson Air Multiplier CFD Simulation - SymmetryUsing new porous and fan boundary conditions

February 2012

The next release of Caedium (v3.1) is progressing well, so I thought this month would be a good moment for a sneak peek. Are you ready for our latest poll results and the launch of a new poll? Great, then you won't be disappointed. Also catch up on all my latest blog posts.

CFD Simulation for a Tensile Structure Covering a BuildingCFD Simulation for a Tensile Structure Covering a BuildingGeometry Courtesy of ixForten 4000

January 2012

I trust you've had a good start to the new year - primed and ready for some Symscape news no doubt. We are hard at work on the next version of Caedium (v3.1) and as part of that effort you can read about the new release of our Windows GPL source code patch for the latest version of OpenFOAM® (v2.1.x). Also check out my latest blog posts.

Testing OpenFOAM 2.1.x with Caedium on WindowsTesting OpenFOAM 2.1.x with Caedium on Windows

December 2011

It's holiday season again, so before the festivities begin here's your last Symscape update for 2011. The goodies that await include a new article on using CFD for concept design analysis, news of an art exhibit featuring a Caedium CFD simulation, and my latest blog posts. Thanks for your support and we look forward to satisfying your CFD needs in 2012.

Caedium CFD Simulation of a Baseline Concept DesignCaedium CFD Simulation of a Baseline Concept DesignShows velocity magnitude iso-surfaces for half vehicle

November 2011

With all the excitement of last month's Caedium v3.0 release over, now it's time to get back to earth. More accurately it should be back to sea, with a new RANS Flow example of the air flow over a sail yacht. Also back is the usual stream of blog posts.

Streamlines Around a Sail YachtCaedium CFD SimulationStreamlines Around a Sail Yacht

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