Internal flow ?

Hello there,

I just downloaded a trial copy of your software and am trying to setup an internal flow simulation. I have seen some references on here that doing this requires a solid model of the internal volume of the part. Is this true? This part is rather complex, modeling up an internal model, let alone one that rebuilds quickly through changes, would be difficult at best.

Any other way to do it? I tried to create walls out of the internal surfaces and setup inlet / outlet boundaries, but I couldn't seem to get it to work.

In SW Sim. Flow I just have to cap off the inlet / outlet boundaries and it calculates the internal volume.

My part is a little bit like this:

Need the Flow Path as a Volume

You have to supply/create a flow path volume in order to perform RANS Flow simulations in Caedium.

If you can create/extract the flow path in SolidWorks and then import it as STEP (to preserve the volume) into Caedium you might find it easier, given that you are more familiar with SolidWorks.

If you want to perform the capping operation and volume creation in Caedium that's fine too:

  1. Use STEP to import the geometry into Caedium
  2. Use the Faces->Fill tool (be sure to turn on the Keep Operands property) on the Geometry Tool Palette to produce face caps from edges to serve as inlets and outlets
  3. Select all the faces forming the fluid path, including the new caps, and use the Volumes->Stitch tool to create the complete flow volume