TDR error in Windows event viewer
Windows 10 imposes a time limit on the rendering of graphics after which it abruptly closes the associated application. This scenario can occur while Caedium is rendering a large number of 3D graphic objects, such as arrows.
To remedy this problem you need to increase the rendering time limit for Windows according to:
To Change the Graphic device timeout, use the following process.
Exit all Apps and Programs.
Press the WinKey+R keys to display the Run dialog.
Type regedit.exe and click OK to open the registry editor.
Navigate to the following registry key:
With the GraphicsDrivers key selected, on the Edit menu, click New, and then select the following registry value from the drop-down menu (specific to 64 bit Windows):
NOTE: The TdrDelay name is Case Sensitive
a. Select QWORD (64-bit) value.
b. Type TdrDelay as the Name and click Enter.
c. Double-click TdrDelay and add 8 for the Value data and click OK.
Close the registry editor and then restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
Original description available at "increase time-out limit."