Caedium v1.1.0 Released
We are pleased to announce the release of Caedium v1.1.0. Caedium is our freely available foundation and viewer for our expandable Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) system. Caedium incorporates advanced interactive 3D visualization.
Faceted 57 Chevy Model: Exchange add-on can now import faceted Alias/Wavefront files
Using our Caedium system with additional add-ons you can assess the aerodynamic performance of concept designs by creating geometry, simulating fluid flow, and visualizing results under both steady-state and transient conditions.
Simplified Geometry Topology: Builder add-on now supports a join tool to suppress unwanted features
Available add-ons include:
- Builder - create and modify your own 2D and 3D NURBS based geometry designs. This add-on includes our new Flexile Technology with a join tool for feature suppression and a new surface offset tool.
- Panel Flow - simulate gas (e.g. air) or liquid (e.g. water) flow around and through your design to determine flow directions and forces. This add-on incorporates our Pipeline Driven Technology to automate and simplify upstream simulation prerequisites such as meshing.
- Transient - explore time-dependent simulations and visualization of results using our unique Transient Archive Technology for real-time results review.
- Exchange - import and export standard geometry file formats IGES and STEP. Our newly added STL file import and export uses our Faceted Geometry Technology to extend simulation modeling to facets.
- Viz Export - export your 3D results to high quality renderers (such as the ray-tracer POV-Ray) and other visualization packages.
- Professional - includes all add-ons in a convenient single installation.
Simplified Faceted Fuselage: Faceted import and join tool are a powerful combination
Free Trials
Our software is available to download and install directly from our website. We offer straightforward free 30-day trials and affordable subscriptions for Caedium add-ons.