Caedium v1.1.0 Update
Submitted by symscape on October 10, 2007 - 13:20
Caedium v1.1.0 is now available – read the Caedium v1.1.0 Released news story for more details. For existing Caedium users this update incorporates numerous enhancements as follows:
- Builder add-on – now includes our new Flexile Technology with a join tool for feature suppression and a new surface offset tool
- Exchange add-on – now uses our Faceted Geometry Technology to import and export stereolithography (.stl) files and import Alias/Wavefront (.obj) files
- Improved reliability of the license activation process
- Provides a restart option after successful license activation
- Specify how frequently Caedium checks for updates using the Update Check preference
- Set preferences for the initial visualization presentation (e.g., color) for geometry and particles
- More reliable Boolean operations (e.g., unite) and numerous bug fixes with the latest Open Cascade geometry engine update
- Improved menu presentation and bug fixes with a wxWidgets update
This update will take Caedium to v1.1.0, which will update all modules.
You can update manually in Caedium using Help->Check for Updates, or wait for the automated announcement during Caedium start-up. If you have recently installed Caedium you won't need to update, but there is no harm in checking for updates anyway.