Caedium on the iPad
Following hot on the heals of the recent Caedium release for the Mac, Caedium will also be available on the iPad when it is released on Saturday (April 3, 2010). In a worlds first, iPad users will be able to perform Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations from the comfort of their sofa on the worlds most "magical and revolutionary product at an unbelievable price." The iPad version of Caedium makes full use of the multi-touch iPad interface, which enables you to control the actual fluid in the simulation in order to guide it to the answer you desire.
Caedium on iPad
A beta release of Caedium was used on an early prototype of the iPad to better understand and manage the cooling of the device, i.e., Caedium on the iPad was used to design the iPad - excuse the pun, but how cool is that?
In order to perform CFD simulations on the iPad, Caedium uses multiple GPUs that are embedded within Apple's new A4 processor - you'll hear more on this hidden feature at the official launch events on Saturday. Once the performance of the GPUs becomes common knowledge you can expect follow-my-leader CFD application releases on the iPad from all the major CFD vendors - but remember you heard and saw CFD on the iPad here first.
Recent blog posts
- CFD Simulates Distant Past
- Background on the Caedium v6.0 Release
- Long-Necked Dinosaurs Succumb To CFD
- CFD Provides Insight Into Mystery Fossils
- Wind Turbine Design According to Insects
- Runners Discover Drafting
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- Active Aerodynamics on the Lamborghini Huracán Performante
- Fluidic Logic
- Stonehenge Vortex Revealed as April Fools' Day Distortion Field
April Fools' Day
This is a fake story for Aprils Fools' Day, find out more.