August 2010
Phew, what a month! We have just released a new version of Caedium that is capable of performing both faster and larger CFD simulations than ever before. We've updated all our RANS Flow tutorials to reflect more robust default solver settings, and we've added some new tips to help you simulate faster and better than ever. All that's left for me to do now is get out of your way and let you enjoy it.
Caedium on Windows HPC Server 2008 R2
Faster CFD as Caedium goes Parallel
The latest release of Caedium (v2.2) can now perform CFD simulations in parallel on a single computer with multiple cores or on a cluster running Microsoft Windows HPC Server 2008 - either way it means a significant reduction in simulation turnaround time compared to previous versions of Caedium. Also available with this release are 64-bit versions of Caedium for Windows and Linux, which can perform much larger simulations since they are no longer restricted by the 32-bit memory limit. Read more...
New Tips
Review our Tips for detailed descriptions of specific Caedium features. You'll find teasers to the latest tips below.
Parallel Configuration
Caedium's preferences control how the RANS Flow CFD solvers perform parallel simulations, also know as High Performance Computing (HPC). When configured correctly the parallel preferences will lead to significantly reduced simulation turnaround times on multi-core computers and clusters. Read more...
Microsoft Windows HPC Server 2008 Cluster Configuration
Caedium can perform RANS Flow CFD simulations in parallel on a cluster running Microsoft Windows HPC Server 2008. When configured correctly a parallel simulation running on a cluster will perform significantly faster (potentially many times faster) than the equivalent simulation performed in serial (i.e., non-parallel). Here we describe how to configure Caedium to perform parallel simulations on a cluster running Windows HPC Server 2008. Read more...
Relaxation Factors in RANS Flow Solvers
Solver relaxation factors control how far to advance the solution of the primary fields (e.g., U, p/rho, k, epsilon) per iteration for steady-state RANS solvers. If they are set too high the flow simulation will diverge, i.e., not converge. Conversely, if they are set too low then the flow simulation will require an excessive number of iterations to converge. Read more...