
October 2016: Even More Amazing CFD

More amazing Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for you this month with a step beyond 2D to 3D maze solving. Also brush up on using symmetry to save yourself time and your computer memory for your next CFD study.

3D Maze Surface Mesh3D Maze Surface Mesh

September 2016: Amazing CFD

Let us start this month's news with something amazing, did you know that Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) can solve mazes? Read all about it in the Amazing CFD article. Also for your reading pleasure we have advice on how to squeeze that final 20% performance out of your design and why you should never settle for facets as the basis for your geometry.

CFD Maze SimulationCFD Maze SimulationVelocity magnitude iso-surfaces

August 2016: CFD Gone Bad and Aero at the Tour de France

I'll save you some time and say right here, upfront, that there is no link between good Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) gone bad and aerodynamics at the Tour de France (TdF). Except they are featured articles for your reading pleasure in this month's newsletter.

CFD Simulations Not Immune From Descending Into ChaosCFD Simulations Not Immune From Descending Into ChaosMandelbrot Set from Chaos Theory
License: CC BY-SA 3.0, Wolfgang Beyer

July 2016: Full Circle With Wacky CFD

Have you ever stopped to think how Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) makes CFD possible? Or have you wondered how easy it is to assess wacky designs with CFD? If you answer in the affirmative to either of these questions then this newsletter will be a direct hit.

CFD Simulation of an Unusual Drone DesignCFD Simulation of an Unusual Drone Design

June 2016: CFD Skills and 3D Printing

This month we have a couple of diverse Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) topics for your reading list. Did you know that CFD skills are a hot ticket for many startups? Read more about how CFD is a modern day pick and shovel skill. Also, are you looking for tips on CFD simulation creation? Find out how model preparation for 3D printing can aid your CFD.

CFD Simulation ResultsAirflow CFD Simulation Around the Smithsonian Air and Space MuseumWatertight non-manifold SketchUp model for 3D printing

May 2016: See Your CFD Clearly Now

Make way for the hidden Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) secrets special edition newsletter. With this collection of helpful articles you will be exploring the inner reaches of your CFD results in no time.

CFD Simulation of Airflow Around a CarCFD Simulation of Airflow Around a CarVelocity vectors on symmetry plane

April 2016: See the Invisible

The theme for this month's newsletter is seeing the invisible. Whether you want to better see your Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) results, or you want to see the airflow around your vehicle in full technicolor, then this is the newsletter for you. OK, the vehicle thing, with Colorful Fluid Dynamic Paint was an April Fools' joke, but you already knew that, right?

Transparent Streamlines Reveal Otherwise Hidden GeometryTransparent Streamlines Reveal Otherwise Hidden Geometry

March 2016: Trucks, Rules, and a Sneak Peek

What do truck design, rules for fluid dynamics, and a Caedium sneak peek all have in common? You guessed it, they are all topics covered in this month's newsletter. So enough from me, over to you and away you go.

CFD Simulation of the Airflow Around a Traditional US TruckCFD Simulation of the Airflow Around a Traditional US TruckGeometry courtesy of Nectar Design

February 2016: Say Yes to CFD

We have a full-on, action packed newsletter for you this month. If you are a Small-to-Medium-sized Business (SMB), then we have an article just for you to take all the mystery and pain out of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). If you are ready to CFD, then learn 5 ways Caedium can help you. If you want your CFD results faster, then find out how best to configure your CFD simulation results.

Caedium CFD ResultsCaedium CFD Results

January 2016: CFD Year in Review

2015 is over, but before we blast full steam ahead with 2016 it’s review time. Did any Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) goodness slip past you in 2015? If so, fear not, we have a couple of review articles conveniently grouped into lessons and simulations just for you.

Lessons in CFDLessons in CFDUnconventional UAV CFD Simulation

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