What is the biggest barrier to CFD adoption?

CFD Software Price
49% (82 votes)
CFD Software Complexity
17% (28 votes)
Slow Turnaround Time
4% (7 votes)
Inadequate Computing Resources
8% (14 votes)
Poor Geometry Representation
5% (8 votes)
Poor CFD Software Support
1% (2 votes)
Inadequate CFD Modelling of Physics
7% (11 votes)
Poor CFD Software Documentation
4% (7 votes)
4% (7 votes)
Total votes: 166


CFD Obstacles

The biggest obstacle for CFD or any new technology for that matter is cultural! The arrogance of management is, "I got where I am because I know what to do!" My retort to that is, "You don't even know what you don't know!" Exposure to FEA and CFD will change the way you think about everything without even looking at any numerical results! Most of the companies I encounter are still "using" simulation as a reactive tool instead of proactive one! As the new blood gets some experience and moves into management hopefully this will change!