Language localization
Submitted by peoporro on March 17, 2013 - 08:29
Poor italian language localization. The commands translated in italian are nonsense e.g. "Faces" is translated as "Volti", which in italian means "human face" the correct word is "Facce".
Another example "Others" is translated as "Altrui", which in italian means "of somebody else".
As a results I have to continuosly refer to english tutorial for understanding the meaning of italian command!
May I be of help for a complete translation of commands?
Excellent Italian Translation for Caedium v5
Thanks to your help we now have an excellent Italian translation for Caedium v5.
Italian Translation
The Italian translation does need more work. Thanks for your offer to help. I'll contact you via email to discuss it further.
In the mean time to switch the interface back to the English translation see the comment "Override Default Language Translation".