Wavefront export problem
Submitted by Siradom on August 31, 2015 - 15:35
Import obj file is ok. But export is not correct - mesh is broken
In latest version (v2.1.1) obj export make right mesh (but have not some tools).
How can I fix this?
Sorry for my english. Thanks.
Caedium v2.1.1 is no longer supported
If you are running Caedium v2.1.1 then that is not the latest version and is no longer supported. Please install the latest version of Caedium (64-bit) as described in your license activation email.
Problem solved.
On two computers that have a lot of software, it had this problem.
On the third, clean - exported correctly.
Apparently, programs conflict.
Outdated version of Caedium
I don't think there should be any conflict with other software. I think your problem is that you are trying to use an outdated version of Caedium.
Sorry for my english
I mean:
In an early version of the program (v2.1.1) obj export make right mesh
But on two computers version 5.2.0 64 for windows is not correct export obj - mesh is broken.
On third computer (without software) - all right
Thank you for your attention
comma as decimal point separator
Thanks for the update and sharing the files, so I can better diagnose the problem.
It appears that m1.obj was written with a 'comma' for the decimal point separator. This is likely due to the language (locale) settings on the first 2 computers (not software conflicts), whereas the 3rd computer you tried likely had a different locale that represented the decimal point separator as a 'dot' - which can be correctly imported by Caedium and other software.
Thank you very much . I changed the local settings - everything was fine.
How I did not notice the difference? ))
Compared OBJ files in a text editor
I used a text editor (Notepad++) to compare the two OBJ files.