Caedium v5.0.0 on Windows fails to solve after update from v4

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I updated Caedium (Windows 7 64-bit) release from v4 to v5 and found that I could not run a simulation. The error read:

volume [www.8780.5] RANS Flow: Failed
Unexpected process exit.
The system cannot find the path specified

Any ideas?

Edit: Caedium 5.1 resets the MPI preference automatically.

Caedium v5.1 resets the Windows MPI preference

Caedium v5.1 resets the Windows MPI preference automatically.

MPI preference needs reset

I'm assuming you installed all the available options, i.e., MPI and Professional. For more details see "What is the Windows installation process?".

I think the problem is that the location of a crucial file has changed in v5. To fix it:

  1. Select the File Toolbar and click Preferences
  2. In the Properties Panel, select Application->MPI
  3. Right click on the MPI property and select Reset

The new MPI default should be:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft HPC Pack 2012\Bin\mpiexec"
You may need to edit this location if you installed Caedium to a non-default location.

Now try running your simulation again.

That worked

That worked. After I reset the preference the simulation ran fine.