openfoam import failing

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I'm following the instructions at with the motorBike example included in openfoam and I just get:

Import Geometry failed.
Unable to read file: C:\Users\demo\Downloads\OpenFOAM-2.1.0\tutorials\incompressible\simpleFoam\motorBike.ofm

and when I move the .ofm file into the directory:

Import Geometry failed.
Unable to read file: C:\Users\demo\Downloads\OpenFOAM-2.1.0\tutorials\incompressible\simpleFoam\motorBike\motorBike.ofm

I'm using the Caedium RANS Flow Free Trial on windows 7 64 bit.

No Arbitrary Polyhedra Support

Caedium does not currently support the arbitrary polyhedra produced by snappyHexMesh - I've added a note about this constraint to the instructions at "Import an OpenFOAM Mesh".